Hello Friends,
The theme this month at Take Me Deeper (His Kingdom Come) is love. As always, there is a new verse every week, but I usually take a little longer to process things. My page summarizes the month for me.
I have a dear friend who is a devote Roman Catholic. Whenever she prays in her heavenly language (1 Corinthians 13 & 14) pure love just pours from her mouth. To me, it sounds kind of like French, though I don't speak it myself. For Christmas I asked the Lord for a gift. I wanted an intimate prayer language like my friend. It came December 30, 2014.
Surprisingly, my new prayer language did not sound like French; rather it sounded like Italian. I even picked up one repeated phrase from it - "Ti amo".
When I looked up the phrase I found that it has a very special meaning in Italian. It is used only for the most intimate of relationships and not even what a parent would say to her child. It is not said lightly and is only used for a person's 'one true love'.
My deepest desire and my frequent prayer for months has been for a deeper knowledge of God's love for me. Since I have received my new prayer language, my great desire is to also know how to more fully love (Ti amo) the Lord. The TMD verse for Week 2 of February says it all so that is the one I focused on for my February layout.
I added a tag, made from a handmade paper, on which I wrote the story of receiving my new love-prayer language.
First I cut out the face from a small intuitive painting and pasted it on my background. After sketching the dress, I painted everything with acrylics. My titanium white does not seem very white. To any of you artists out there, can you recommend a brighter white?
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope I have inspired you in some way today.
Blessing hugs,
Word Art Wednesday - anything goes
Paint Party Friday - painting/art
Jo's Scrap Shack - anything goes
Art Journal Journey - Birds, Beasts and Humans
The theme this month at Take Me Deeper (His Kingdom Come) is love. As always, there is a new verse every week, but I usually take a little longer to process things. My page summarizes the month for me.
I have a dear friend who is a devote Roman Catholic. Whenever she prays in her heavenly language (1 Corinthians 13 & 14) pure love just pours from her mouth. To me, it sounds kind of like French, though I don't speak it myself. For Christmas I asked the Lord for a gift. I wanted an intimate prayer language like my friend. It came December 30, 2014.
Surprisingly, my new prayer language did not sound like French; rather it sounded like Italian. I even picked up one repeated phrase from it - "Ti amo".
Journal page in progress |
My deepest desire and my frequent prayer for months has been for a deeper knowledge of God's love for me. Since I have received my new prayer language, my great desire is to also know how to more fully love (Ti amo) the Lord. The TMD verse for Week 2 of February says it all so that is the one I focused on for my February layout.
I added a tag, made from a handmade paper, on which I wrote the story of receiving my new love-prayer language.
First I cut out the face from a small intuitive painting and pasted it on my background. After sketching the dress, I painted everything with acrylics. My titanium white does not seem very white. To any of you artists out there, can you recommend a brighter white?
page with tag flipped back |
Here is the complete page layout.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope I have inspired you in some way today.
Blessing hugs,
Word Art Wednesday - anything goes
Paint Party Friday - painting/art
Jo's Scrap Shack - anything goes
Art Journal Journey - Birds, Beasts and Humans
WOW this is just gorgeous!!! Lots of inspiration for sure. I am starting an art journal myself and I am blown away at how gorgeous your art pages are! Thank you for joining us in our Funday Friday challenge this week.
♥ Jo's Scrap Shack ♥
Wonderful journal pages, and a great quote. Hugs, Valerie
Forgot to thank you for joining us at Art Journal Journey!
It's a wonderful spread Theresa.. gorgeous meaningful pages!
Thank you for linking it to our Birds, Beasts & Humans collection over at
So hope to see you next month again!
How beautiful - WOW! And thank you for sharing such intimate art journaling with us. Thanks for playing along with Funday Friday at Jo's Scrapshack.
I hadn't heard ti amo in a long time. Thanks for that reminder and it's meaning. it's so beautiful.
Just beautiful. Love your story that goes with your Art journal pages. Blessings to you. TFS and joining us at Jo's for Funday Friday
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