Tickell Expressions

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Ti Amo

Hello Friends,

The theme this month at Take Me Deeper (His Kingdom Come) is love. As always, there is a new verse every week, but I usually take a little longer to process things. My page summarizes the month for me.

I have a dear friend who is a devote Roman Catholic. Whenever she prays in her heavenly language (1 Corinthians 13 & 14) pure love just pours from her mouth. To me, it sounds kind of like French, though I don't speak it myself. For Christmas I asked the Lord for a gift. I wanted an intimate prayer language like my friend. It came December 30, 2014.

Surprisingly, my new prayer language did not sound like French; rather it sounded like Italian. I even picked up one repeated phrase from it - "Ti amo".
Journal page in progress
When I looked up the phrase I found that it has a very special meaning in Italian. It is used only for the most intimate of relationships and not even what a parent would say to her child. It is not said lightly and is only used for a person's 'one true love'.

My deepest desire and my frequent prayer for months has been for a deeper knowledge of God's love for me. Since I have received my new prayer language, my great desire is to also know how to more fully love (Ti amo) the Lord. The TMD verse for Week 2 of February says it all so that is the one I focused on for my February layout.

I added a tag, made from a handmade paper, on which I wrote the story of receiving my new love-prayer language.

First I cut out the face from a small intuitive painting and pasted it on my background. After sketching the dress, I painted everything with acrylics. My titanium white does not seem very white. To any of you artists out there, can you recommend a brighter white?
page with tag flipped back
Here is the complete page layout.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope I have inspired you in some way today.

Blessing hugs,

Word Art Wednesday - anything goes
Paint Party Friday - painting/art
Jo's Scrap Shack - anything goes
Art Journal Journey - Birds, Beasts and Humans


Jo Williams Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrator said...

WOW this is just gorgeous!!! Lots of inspiration for sure. I am starting an art journal myself and I am blown away at how gorgeous your art pages are! Thank you for joining us in our Funday Friday challenge this week.
♥ Jo's Scrap Shack ♥

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful journal pages, and a great quote. Hugs, Valerie

Valerie-Jael said...

Forgot to thank you for joining us at Art Journal Journey!

froebelsternchen said...

It's a wonderful spread Theresa.. gorgeous meaningful pages!
Thank you for linking it to our Birds, Beasts & Humans collection over at
So hope to see you next month again!

Joyce Tompkins said...

How beautiful - WOW! And thank you for sharing such intimate art journaling with us. Thanks for playing along with Funday Friday at Jo's Scrapshack.

Cheryl said...

I hadn't heard ti amo in a long time. Thanks for that reminder and it's meaning. it's so beautiful.

Kellie 0:) said...

Just beautiful. Love your story that goes with your Art journal pages. Blessings to you. TFS and joining us at Jo's for Funday Friday